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    Bowen therapy for dogs

‘Some things have to be believed to be seen’ – Ralph Hodgson

Bowen therapy is a holistic, remedial body work technique. Bowen works on the connective tissue of the body (fascia) as well as the soft tissue to stimulate self-healing within the body.

Bowen can be used to treat soft tissue injuries, musculoskeletal or related neurological problems. It is also effective to assist and promote healing for dogs who have undergone surgery, particularly orthopedic surgery.

Bowen therapy treats the cause of the pain and discomfort rather than working on just the symptoms, and the treatments consistently create long lasting healing and pain relief. Bowen treats the body as a whole rather than working on one particular area. Many owners have noticed that their dog’s stress and anxiety levels have dropped with consistent Bowen.

Bowen is not just for older dogs or those who are experiencing pain or discomfort. Young, active dogs who jump, run, slide, slip and rough and tumble also benefit from Bowen from a preventative perspective.

The patient is able to stop the session at any time and there are no forms of restraint used. This is particularly important for dogs who are worried about being touched or those who are in pain. Once this option is given, all dogs come back for more treatment once they are ready.

Georgia offers a mobile service to clients living within 20kms of Greenwood, 6024. We also offer Bowen Therapy in our Treatment Room in Greenwood.

Contact us to book a session for your dog.